
NUHS Residency

nuhs residency

About NUHS Residency

NUHS Residency is one of the three sponsoring institutions in Singapore that provides postgraduate medical training through 32 residency programmes, which are internationally-accredited by the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education - International (ACGME-I) or locally-accredited by the Joint Committee on Specialist Training (JCST).

Our residents are trained to be the best doctors they can be - one excelling in the science and art of Medicine built on our core values of Teamwork, Respect, Integrity, Compassion, Excellence and Patient-Centredness.

Our faculty are passionate clinicians with a love for teaching and mentoring, who personify our NUHS values and who care for each and every resident as an unique individual as part of our NUHS family. They have been entrusted with the mandate of training YOU, to be our next generation of medical leaders for Singapore. Besides our educators, our senior leaders take a personal interest in our residents and view them as a big part of the NUHS Family.

NUHS Residents who pass through the gates of NUHS will lead in shaping medicine of the future, fulfilling their mission to be top medical professionals, both locally and internationally.


To develop future-ready, values-based healthcare professionals who:

  • Grow to become skilled, resilient, values-based, adaptive, lifelong learners who put the interests of their patients first.
  • Advance healthcare through innovative solutions.
  • Serve the community with a sense of purpose, whilst continuing to nurture the next generation of healthcare professionals.

Whom our PATIENTS will recommend to family and friends & our FACULTY and STAFF are proud of.


Training Minds, Shaping Hearts

Our vision for the graduates of the NUHS Residency is to be all-rounded healthcare professionals with a strong desire to serve the community through empathetic patient care, break-through research and continuous education embodying the NUHS core values - Teamwork, Respect, Integrity, Compassion, Patient-Centeredness.

Education must align with workforce demands and drive appropriate healthcare delivery

To build future ready Healthcare Professionals and the ability to work in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) environment.

To collaborate with local, regional & international partners to avail exposure and opportunities to our healthcare students, trainees and professionals.


Application Process
Eligibility Criteria

To participate in the Residency Application Exercise, you will first need to be offered employment by MOH Holdings.

Submission of Portfolio to MOHH

To aid the residency selection, please furnish contact details for up to four referees. Referees must have either supervised, worked with you or have been your personal tutor for a minimum of three weeks. They would also need to fulfill at least one of the following requirements:

  • A faculty member of your medical school, or
  • A NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine or Duke-NUS GMS appointed clinical tutor; or
  • At least hospital registrar or equivalent, or lecturer or higher.

Referees will be asked to assess various competencies and work attributes deemed important for a Resident that include but not limited to clinical skills.

Programme Interviews

With effect from the AY2021 intake, Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI) conducted by MOHH has been replaced by interviews by the respective programmes in each sponsoring institution.

Matching Exercise

After completion of the interviews, MOHH will send you an email to invite you to rank your preferences for the programme(s) you interviewed for. Please note that candidate ranking is confidential and will not be made known to the Programme Directors. Any withdrawals from the Residency exercise from this point on will result in a candidate forfeiting his/her chance to participate in the next residency exercise.

Please click here to check out MOHH's webpage for application updates, process details and timeline.

Residency Interviews

NUHS Career Guidance Fair

Unsure of which postgraduate programme you should embark on? Stay tuned to this space for more information on NUHS Career Guidance Fair for Junior Doctors 2025! In the meantime, you may view our NUHS Residency Programme Brochures on their respective programme pages here.

NUHS Residency Orientation

NUHS conducts an institution-wide orientation for all new residents. The transition into the Residency training may not be smooth sailing and the aim of the orientation is to prepare them for their role as residents.

Other than the orientation organised by the hospital, the incoming residents are required to attend the Outward Bound Singapore (OBS) programme. Through planned activities, residents would be able to embrace the NUHS core values - Teamwork, Respect, Integrity, Compassion, Excellence and Patient-Centredness. It is also an opportunity for the residents to develop strong rapport with their peers and get to know the senior management on a personal level.

NUHS Residency Graduation

At NUHS, we value each resident's learning journey and we are always proud to see our residents complete their training and graduate as specialists.

The NUHS Residency Graduation Ceremony is held annually to celebrate the achievements of our graduands with the faculty and their loved ones.

Our next ceremony will be held in November 2024.

Contact Us

For non-NUHS Residents, please email us at [email protected] for any residency-related enquiries.

For NUHS Residents who wish to provide feedback/compliments, please use the online form here.

1E Kent Ridge Road, NUHS Tower Block, Singapore 119228
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National University Health System
  • National University Hospital
  • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
  • Alexandra Hospital
  • Jurong Community Hospital
  • National University Polyclinics
  • Jurong Medical Centre
  • National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
  • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore
  • NUHS Diagnostics
  • NUHS Pharmacy
  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
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