
Haematology Senior Residency Programme

Integrated Programme for Haematology

Haematology Integrated Programme


Our mission is to train outstanding haematology graduates as well as inspire and mentor them to become leaders in patient care, education and biomedical research.


Our Integrated Programme for Haematology is a 42-month programme with the first 24 months designed to fulfill the requirements of the ACGME-I and the last 18 months designed to fulfill the requirements of the Specialist Accreditation Board for specialist certification in haematology in Singapore.

The educational programme will provide a comprehensive supervised framework for advanced sub-specialty training in the field of adult benign and malignant haematology, covering all aspects of clinical haematology including stem cell transplantation and important aspects of laboratory haematology and blood bank/transfusion.

Programme Highlights
  • Comprehensive training in clinical and laboratory haematology, including benign and malignant haematology, stem cell transplantation, thrombosis and haemostasis, laboratory haematology, transfusion and blood banking. Our broad casemix increases our residents' exposure to a wide spectrum of simple and complex haematology patients with both common and rare disorders.
  • Structured educational programme that comprises:
    • weekly didactic sessions with conferences, formal lectures and multi-disciplinary conferences
    • clinical  experience,  including  in-patient  care,  consultations,  stem  cell transplantation and ambulatory clinics and (c) laboratory rotations including general and specialised haematology laboratory, transfusion, blood banking and stem cell laboratory.
  • As a national programme, we leverage on the training expertise available at all three haematology institutions in Singapore - NUHS, SGH and TTSH. This provides trainees with a rounded experience in clinical and laboratory haematology. Intensive training in transfusion medicine is carried out at the health sciences authority transfusion centre.
  • Opportunities for supervised research and participation in scholarly activities under guidance of research mentors.
  • Excellent training environment with strong teaching culture and dedicated faculty teaching and supervision.

For more information on the Integrated Programme for Haematology, please download the brochure below -

download brochure
Our Faculty

Dr Joanne Lee, Core Faculty, Haematology Integrated Programme

Dr Joanne Lee
Programme Director,
Integrated Programme for Integrated-Programme-for-Haematology

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Dr Tan Chuen Wen, Core Faculty, Haematology Integrated Programme

Dr Tan Chuen Wen
Associate Programme Director,
Integrated Programme for Integrated-Programme-for-Haematology

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Dr Chandramouli Nagarajan, Associate Programme Director, Haematology Integrated Programme

Dr Chandramouli Nagarajan
Core Faculty, Integrated Programme for Integrated-Programme-for-Haematology

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Dr Lee Shir Ying, Core Faculty, Haematology Integrated Programme

Dr Lee Shir Ying
Core Faculty,
Integrated Programme for Integrated-Programme-for-Haematology

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Dr Melissa Ooi, Core Faculty, Haematology Integrated Programme

Dr Melissa Ooi
Core Faculty,
Integrated Programme for Integrated-Programme-for-Haematology

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Dr Chen Yunxin, Core Faculty, Haematology Integrated Programme

Dr Chen Yunxin
Core Faculty,
Integrated Programme for Integrated-Programme-for-Haematology

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Dr Nurul Aidah Abdul Halim, Core Faculty, Haematology Integrated Programme

Dr Nurul Aidah Binti Abdul Halim
Core Faculty,
Integrated Programme for Integrated-Programme-for-Haematology

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Testimonial from our Haematology Senior Resident

Dr Edwin Thong, Haematology Testimonial on Senior Residency Programme

Dr Edwin Thong, Integrated Programme for Haematology, 2019 Cohort
"All the soarings of my mind begin in my blood."

Rainer Maria Rilke

"Haematology is a specialty that demands intellectual rigour fused with the passion for service running through one's veins. The Integrated Programme for Haematology provides senior residents with an ideal specialty training platform. It is a unique programme that allows broad exposure to various aspects of haematology through cross-cluster rotations across various institutions, harnessing each institution's strengths in blooding a well-rounded haematologist.

Being based at NUHS gives us access to world-class faculty who are always ready to guide us and contribute to our professional and personal development. We are also provided with many resources to tap on to further our interests, be it in research, medical education, or quality improvement projects.

The programme is an intense but fulfilling one with well-curated teaching sessions and rigorous clinical demands, which help mould us into better doctors and haematologists. We welcome new blood to our programme and guarantee a blast of a time!"

Contact Us

Programme Director
Dr Joanne Lee
[email protected]

Programme Coordinator
Ms Ann Koh
[email protected]

1E Kent Ridge Road, NUHS Tower Block, Singapore 119228
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