CHAMP, the Population-based Chronic Disease Management Programme by the National University Health System (NUHS), makes it simple to monitor your health. You can track your health readings such as your blood pressure and heart rate via the NUHS CHAMP chatbot (powered by WhatsApp).
Read below or click here for an overview of the benefits of using the NUHS CHAMP chatbot.
Know instantly if your blood pressure is normal or if you need to seek medical attention.
Systolic/diastolic/heart rate (e.g.,120/80/60)
收缩压/舒张压/心率 (例如: 120/80/60)
Type bp history if you wish to retrieve your past blood pressure readings
输入"bp history" 以查询你的血压记录
Play the video to learn more about the features of the CHAMP chatbot.