
Paediatric Residency Programme


NUHS Paediatrics Residency Programme

The NUHS Paediatric Residency Programme is a six-year programme that is structured to ensure that residents can achieve their learning goals with supervision and mentorship from senior paediatricians and colleagues. The junior residency training is a three-year programme that is targeted at developing competencies expected of a Paediatric Registrar. Following this, residents progress to another three-year senior residency training as Paediatric Registrars before obtaining their exit accreditation as General Paediatricians for independent practice in Singapore.

Our vision for the graduates of NUHS Paediatric Residency Programme is to be all-rounded paediatricians with a strong desire to serve the community through empathetic patient care, translational research and continuous education encompassing the NUHS core values (Teamwork, Respect, Integrity, Compassion, Excellence, Patient-Centeredness).


Our mission is to provide holistic education in an open and safe environment for our residents in order to maximally develop each individual’s potential to become master clinicians, impactful researchers and great teachers.

Programme Highlights
  • Broad case mix increases residents' exposure to a wide range of general paediatric as well as sub-specialty paediatric patients via inpatient rotations, Child Development and various sub-specialty clinics, Children's Emergency and Neonatology rotations
  • Assigned continuity clinic that each resident would run regularly under supervision by faculty
  • Structured teaching programme that constantly adapts to meet the learning needs of our residents:
    • Early morning department teaching sessions (four times per week)
    • Lunch-time resident teaching sessions (four times per week) ranging from simulation, case-based discussions, bedside clinical skills teaching and didactic lectures
    • Regular courses and workshops
    • Mock examination practice
  • Ample teaching, scholarly work and leadership development opportunities to stretch our residents to reach their full potential
  • Mentorship programme
  • Dedicated faculty to help residents fully develop their potential
  • Department well-being committee, which comprises residents and faculty who are passionate about resident well-being.

For more information on the NUHS Paediatric Residency Programme, please download the brochure below -

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Our Faculty

Dr Nicholas Ng, Core Faculty, Paediatrics Residency Programme, NUHS

Dr Nicholas Ng
Programme Director,
Paediatric Residency Programme, NUHS

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Dr Jacqueline Ong, Core Faculty, Paediatrics Residency Programme, NUHS

Adj A/Prof Jacqueline Ong
Associate Programme Director,
Paediatric Residency Programme, NUHS

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Adj A/Prof Perry Lau, Core Faculty, Paediatrics Residency Programme, NUHS

Adj A/Prof Perry Lau
Core Faculty, Paediatric Residency Programme, NUHS

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Dr Elizabeth Ang, Core Faculty, Paediatrics Residency Programme, NUHS

Adj A/Prof Elizabeth Ang
Core Faculty,
Paediatric Residency Programme, NUHS

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Dr Soh Jian Yi, Core Faculty, Paediatrics Residency Programme, NUHS

Adj A/Prof Soh Jian Yi
Core Faculty,
Paediatric Residency Programme, NUHS

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Dr Michelle Tan, Core Faculty, Paediatrics Residency Programme, NUHS

Dr Michelle Tan
Core Faculty,
Paediatric Residency Programme, NUHS

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Dr Mary Varughese, Core Faculty, Paediatrics Residency Programme, NUHS

Dr Mary Varughese
Core Faculty,
Paediatric Residency Programme, NUHS

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What qualities do you look for in a Paediatric Resident?

The NUHS core values (Teamwork, Respect, Integrity, Compassion, Excellence, Patient-Centredness).

Q2: I have not had any posting in NUH before, will that affect my chance of getting into the programme?

No, but having worked with us for at least one posting will allow us to know you and your potential better.

Q3: Is research experience an important factor when you are looking for a resident?

No, research experience is not the most important factor. Aptitude and attitude are more important.

Q4: I am interested to become a specialist in one of the paediatric subspecialties. How do I achieve this goal?

The training in any of the paediatric sub-specialties only begins after trainee completes and graduates from the six-year Paediatric Residency Programme.

Q5: I am an overseas doctor and am interested to find out how I can apply to the programme?

Please check the Singapore Medical Council website to find out whether your primary degree is recognised in Singapore. You will then have to check with MOH Holdings to see if you are eligible to apply for residency training. More information on application to residency training can be found on their website. We recommend that you apply for a posting with NUH Paediatrics so that it gives us the opportunity to see if NUH Paediatrics is the right fit for you before you apply for the NUHS Paediatric Residency Programme.

Testimonials from our Paediatric Residents

Dr Seo Woon Li

Dr Seo Woon Li, NUHS Paediatric Residency Programme, 2012 Cohort

"We achieve only because we stand on the shoulders of giants- this could not speak more truth about our residency journey.

Back then, barely out of medical school, having to choose a sponsoring institution and a residency programme was just that bit daunting. Without actual work experience, how would I know if I was a good fit for NUHS Paediatrics?

In all honesty, there was a little blind faith. But much of the decision was influenced by my experience as a medical student receiving lectures and tutorials from the faculty, then as a student intern bumbling about with the night call team trying not to be their stumbling block.

Eminent yet unassuming, knowledgeable and dedicated would be how I would describe the faculty. You would think that an illustrious list of achievements would make a faculty unapproachable, yet the truth could not be further from that. As a student, intern, young resident, and then a graduate and now a consultant in my own right, the same faculty served as the family of this second home. We grew under their wings whilst they guided us as we found footing in this demanding yet tremendously fulfilling specialty.

I would go so far as to say that I do not hesitate to regard many of the faculty, once professors, mentors, and teachers, now as friends. We bond over food and coffee, apart from shared experiences in caring for the sick.

The nurturing culture runs deep in this family, as residents themselves become tutors and mentors to the younger. Most of all, we become friends. Working with friends, rather than with people you regard as colleagues, makes a night resuscitation, a challenging procedure on a fragile kid, or a mentally gruelling management of a complex medical condition not just bearable, but fulfilling.

Looking back, was I a good fit for the residency programme?

Someone who loves children, who would not hesitate to sacrifice a little of themselves for others, and who enjoys a little challenge would find joy in these six-odd years. More than that, the programme, faculty and coordinators grew with and found the best in me. So that beyond graduation, the giants whose shoulders we stand on become someone who we begin to try to be. "

Jann Adriel Chua, NUHS Paediatric Residency Programme

Dr Jann Sy, NUHS Paediatric Residency Programme, 2017 Cohort
"Joining the NUHS Paediatric Residency Programme has given me opportunities to expand my clinical acumen, work closely with medical educators and train at the forefront translational research.

Working in a tertiary hospital, I regularly manage not only general paediatric patients who are admitted for common conditions such as respiratory or gastrointestinal infections, eczema, or asthma, but I also help in the management of complex patients who require high level care such as transplant patients (kidney, liver, bone marrow), and patients with rare conditions from each Paediatric subspecialty. Although, it is intimidating to manage these complex patients, I am privileged to work closely with specialists who are open and available for consultation. The department is close-knit and I feel comfortable in making consultations without the apprehension of being reprimanded. 

As NUH is the main teaching hospital of the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, I also participate in educating the next generation of physicians in various tutorials, formative clinical assessments, and daily ward work. In this programme, I not only have improved my skills as an educator, but also have had the extremely gratifying experience to watch these young budding doctors learn the skills they need to achieve their goals and provide the best care they can to their patients. 

Lastly, I also find working in a department that employs cutting-edge technology such as CAR-T-cell therapy, latest advancements in pediatric kidney and liver transplantation very exciting, and there are plenty of opportunities to not only learn from leaders in these fields, but also potentially do research with them. 

In all, the list of what the residency programme offers is extensive – from emergency, ambulatory, inpatient, subspecialty to intensive care services and what drew me to NUH Paeds was the close-knit department with excellent training in clinical practice and medical education, a broad patient load from general to complex cases, and potential to do research."

Contact Us

Programme Director
Dr Nicholas Ng
[email protected]

Associate Programme Director
Adj A/Prof Jacqueline Ong
[email protected]

Programme Coordinators
Ms Pearlene Sim
[email protected]

Ms Serena Toh
[email protected]

1E Kent Ridge Road, NUHS Tower Block, Singapore 119228
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