About NUHS

Healthcare Humanity Awards (HHA)


The Healthcare Humanity Awards (HHA) is a continuing legacy of the Courage Awards that was first given out in 2003 to healthcare workers for their courageous fight against the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in Singapore.

Subsequently, the HHA recognises inspirational role models who have gone the extra mile to offer care and comfort to those in need.



Heartiest congratulations to our NUHS winners for the Healthcare Humanity Awards 2024!

The Healthcare Humanity Awards recognise exemplary individuals and teams across Singapore's healthcare industry. In 2024, the categories highlighted the values of compassion, courage, resilience and selflessness.

Individual Awards

Compassion Award

Lim Chui Pheng, National University Polyclinics
Lim Chui Pheng
National University Polyclinics
Low See Hong, National University Hospital
Low See Hong
National University Hospital
Naw Hnin Yee Aye, National University Hospital
Naw Hnin Yee Aye
National University Hospital
Tan Cheng Hong, Alexandra Hospital
Tan Cheng Hong
Alexandra Hospital
Tay Soon Peng, National University Hospital
Tay Soon Peng
National University Hospital

Courage Award

Pang Shu Kuan, National University Hospital
Pang Shu Kuan
National University Hospital

Resilience Award

Jennifer Toh Meiqing, Regional Health System Office, National University Health System
Jennifer Toh Meiqing
Regional Health System Office
National University Health System
Serene Phua Siok Kheng, National University Polyclinics
Serene Phua Siok Kheng
National University Polyclinics

Selflessness Award

Kenan Ng Wen-Yi, National University Hospital
Kenan Ng Wen-Yi
National University Hospital
Lee Foong Gwan, National University Hospital
Lee Foong Gwan
National University Hospital
Tan Soo Hui, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
Tan Soo Hui
Ng Teng Fong General Hospital

Team Awards

Team AlexNIC

  • Alexandra Hospital

Paediatric Home Care Team

  • National University Hospital

NUHS@Home Ops Team

  • NUHS@Home
  • National University Health System

Healthcare Humanity Awards 2023

Heartiest congratulations to our NUHS winners for the Healthcare Humanity Awards 2023!

Individual Awards

Angela Lua Hui Xin, Care Coordinator, National University Polyclinics
Angela Lua Xin Hui
Care Coordinator
National University Polyclinics
Emily Yap, Senior Staff Nurse II, Alexandra Hospital
Emily Yap
Senior Staff Nurse II
Alexandra Hospital
Lam Kar Fong, Patient Care Assistant, National University Polyclinics
Lam Kar Fong
Patient Care Assistant
National University Polyclinics
Dr Louisa Sun, Consultant, Alexandra Hospital
Dr Louisa Sun
Alexandra Hospital


Team Awards

Alexandra Hospital

  • Dormitory Operations Team
  • Intensive Care Unit

National University Hospital

  • Division of Paediatric Infectious Diseases
  • Emergency Medicine Department
  • Team NUH Operation Restore Hope (Dormitory Operations)
  • Team NUH Children's Emergency
  • Team NUH Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
  • Team Respiratory Therapists

Ng Teng Fong General Hospital

  • COVID-19 Radiology Team
  • JurongHealth Campus COVID-19
  • Dormitory Operations Task Force

Healthcare Humanity Awards 2020

HHA 2020 - Tan Min Yuan
Ms Tan Min Yuan
Open Category
Nurse Clinician, Ward 57, NUH

As a Community First Responder, NC Min Yuan is the first to arrive at a cardiac arrest patient's home to provide emergency aid before the paramedics can arrive. She is an active volunteer with several organisations (including Action for Aids and Lion Befrienders) and has been on 2 missions to Cambodia. She even acquired her certificate for Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training to better equip herself to serve the elderly at risk of social isolation. She is indeed one who goes the extra mile and never stops helping others.

HHA 2020 - Ranjit Kaur
Ms Ranjit Kaur
Open Category
Nurse Clinician 1, Nursing Administration, NTFGH

NC Ranjit loves people, works hard, and always tries to lift the spirits of those around her, and it is not unusal to find her attending to patients beyond her normal working hours. She is a source of strength and comfort to the terminally-ill, and trusted like a friend by patients who receive post-discharge support from her. She is a regular volunteer as a member of a PAP Home Visit team, and has been on overseas missions to help victims of natural disasters.

HHA 2020 - Norhashimah Binte Hashim
Ms Norhashimah Binte Hashim
Open Category
Principal Enrolled Nurse, Ward B9, NTFGH

PEN Norhashimah has a heart for children deprived of basic necessities. Since 2013, she has made many overseas trips on her own to help the less fortunate, the poor, and those will ill health. Noting the plight of poor village children in Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand, she has spearheaded many campaigns to teach them good hygiene, how to brush their teeth, and to speak English. She has touched the lives of many, particularly those who are vulnerable and unable to help themselves.

HHA 2020 - Kamala DO Velu
Ms Kamala D/O Velu
Open Category
Senior Staff Nurse I, Emergency Department, NTFGH (formerly from Community Nursing - RHSO, NUHS)

Having begun volunteering while in secondary school, SSN Kamala dedicates a huge part of her life outside of work to caring for those in her community. She has inspired 20 of her nursing colleagues to volunteer their time to help with fundraising and social events for the residents of several nursing homes. Furthermore, she finds the energy to contribute to health screening events held at temples to benefit local and foreign workers who cannot afford basic health screening.

HHA 2020 - Chee Wan Lin
Ms Chee Wan Lin
Open Category

Senior Staff Nurse, Choa Chu Kang Polyclinic, NUP

SSN Wan Lin's steadfastness in giving her time to aid the needy is awe-inspiring. She has been volunteering for the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation since 2016. As a Charity Home Visit Leader, she coordinates visits to beneficiaries' homes, and assists in accessing financial aid and support. She also serves regularly at Tzu Chi Redhill Free Clinic on her off days as a nurse volunteer, and promotes blood donation acitvities with community clubs and the Red Cross.

HHA 2020 - Devendarajah Vivekananda
Mr Devendarajah Vivekananda
Caregiver Category

Mr Anand is the primary caregiver for his two children, who have end-stage renal failure. He sleeps by their bedside when they are on nightly peritoneal dialysis at home. There are times when they feel troubled, and he talks with them through the night. Besides these two sibling patients, Mr Anand has an elder daughter who he is mindful not to neglect. He and his wife help them all understand the significance of living life not as a victim but with normality and self-respect.

HHA 2020 - Foo Sei Aik
Mr Foo Sei Aik
Volunteer Category

Despite having survived cancer twice and 2 stomas installed, Mr Foo continues to lead an active and meaningful lifestyle. He has been Stoma Ambassador for the NUH Colorectal Clinic since 2014. He also offers his time as a Patient Ambassador with the Singapore Cancer Society Colorectal Support Group. Many patients who were referred to Mr Foo sing praises of his approachability and his empathy. He gives patients the strength and courage to carry on with their treatment and to live well.

Open Category

Ms Tan Min Yuan
Nurse Clinician,
Ward 57,
National University Hospital

Open Category

Ms Ranjit Kaur
Nurse Clinician I,
Nursing Administration,
Ng Teng Fong General Hospital

Open Category

Ms Norhashimah Binte Hashim
Principal Enrolled Nurse,
Ward B9,
Ng Teng Fong General Hospital

Open Category

Ms Kamala D/O Velu
Senior Staff Nurse I,
Emergency Department,
Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (formerly from Community Nursing - RHSO, NUHS)

Open Category

Ms Chee Wan Lin
Senior Staff Nurse,
Choa Chu Kang Polyclinic,
National University Polyclinics

Volunteer Category

Mr Foo Sei Aik
National University Hospital

Caregiver Category

Mr Devendarajah Vivekananda
National University Hospital


Healthcare Humanity Awards 2019

HHA 2019 - Lee Ah Hong

Mdm Lee Ah Hong
Volunteer Category
At 72, Mdm Lee Ah Hong has been serving tirelessly as a volunteer in NUH. She volunteers weekly and spends an entire day offering free haircuts to patients. Known fondly as Ah Hong, she will always try her best to fulfill haircut requests from patients, even if it means that she has to stay past her regular hours. Her zest for life is displayed through her cheerful and positive demeanour. Always having patients' welfare at heart, she constantly encourages them to face their medical conditions courageously and to always have hope.

"I am thankful that NUH has given me opportunities to learn and develop. With the nurses' support, I am motivated to continue volunteering."

HHA 2019 - Elaine Hor

Ms Elaine Hor
Open Category
Senior Nurse Clinician
As an Advanced Practice Nurse in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, Senior Nurse Clinician, Elaine Hor is a caring and compassionate nurse who works with children and their families. With more than 20 years of experience, she has helped enhance paediatric care beyond the ward by developing a guide for parents and caregivers to manage emergency situations at home effectively. She is also part of NUH's Paediatric Home Care Programme, where she visits patients at home to perform medical and nursing assessments.

"My journey as a Paediatric Nurse has been most fulfilling. Parents have dedicated their lives to care for their children with multiple complex issues. They have taught me to embrace and appreciate life. Despite difficulties, life still has its beauty.

HHA 2019 - Maznah binte Marmin
Ms Maznah binte Marmin
Honourable Mention (Open)
Assistant Nurse Clinician

Assistant Nurse Clinician Maznah binte Marmin has a compassionate spirit, extraordinary dedication and genuine care for her patients and their families. Besides providing quality patient care, she is also an active volunteer locally and beyond Singapore. She supports humanitarian aid efforts and works with a non-profit volunteer organisation in the hope of making a difference to the lives of the less fortunate.

"Volunteer work gives me the opportunity to help the less fortunate, make a difference to the lives of others and get to know people in the community."

HHA 2019 - Pang Yeow Beng
Mr Pang Yeow Beng
Caregiver Category
Caregiver of Patient at NUH

Since Mr Pang Yeow Beng's mother started dialysis more than 20 years ago, he has made many personal sacrifices, and devoted his time and energy to take care of her. His positive attitude has earned the healthcare team's respect and admiration.

"I would like to thank NUH for its care and support as well as Prof Evan Lee, Prof Jackie Ho, Nurse Clinican Adeline Teo, and all doctors, nurses and staff."

Honourable Mention (Open)

Ms Maznah binte Marmin
Assistant Nurse Clinician,
Nursing Clinical Services,
Ng Teng Fong General Hospital

Open Category

Ms Elaine Hor
Senior Nurse Clinician,
National University Hospital

Volunteer Category

Mdm Lee Ah Hong
Volunteer at National University Hospital

Caregiver Category

Mr Pang Yeow Beng
Caregiver of Patient at National University Hospital

1E Kent Ridge Road, NUHS Tower Block, Singapore 119228
Last updated on 21 Jan 2025
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National University Health System
  • National University Hospital
  • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
  • Alexandra Hospital
  • Jurong Community Hospital
  • National University Polyclinics
  • Jurong Medical Centre
  • National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
  • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore
  • NUHS Diagnostics
  • NUHS Pharmacy
  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health