
Active Grant Calls


Active Grant Calls are grant calls that are currently open for applications at NUHS.

Please refer to the information below, for the respective grant call-related details and grant call-related resources that are available for download.

NUHS Principal Investigators (PIs) interested in submitting an application for Active Grant Calls listed below can refer to the NUHS Research Office (RO) intranet page for more information#.

NMRC Grants
NMRC NIC Healthy and Meaningful Longevity (HML) - Cognition Grant Call 2024
Funding Quantum: Up to S$4 million (incl. of 30% IRC)
Funding Period: Up to four years
Internal Submission Deadline: 07 Aug 2024
Grant Call Launch Date: 01 Jul 2024
Grant Call Deadline: 15 Aug 2024

Mode of Submission:

  • For projects with NUH as HI: IGMS submission only
  • For projects with NUS as HI: Submission of application zip file downloaded from IGMS, and the Research Compliances & Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO


Download grant call information here (ZIP, 4.3 MB).

NMRC Population Health Research Grant (PHRG) - Open Category
Funding Quantum: Up to S$1.95 million (incl. of 30% IRC)
Funding Period: Up to three years (projects involving prospective patient/subject recruitment may apply for up to five years)
Internal Submission Deadline: 17 Jul 2024
Grant Call Launch Date: 01 Jul 2024
Grant Call Deadline: 29 Jul 2024

Mode of Submission:

  • For projects with NUH as HI: IGMS submission only
  • For projects with NUS as HI: Submission of application zip folder downloaded from IGMS, and the Research Compliances & Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO


Download grant call information here (ZIP, 3.8 MB).

NMRC Population Health Research Grant New Investigator Grant (PHRG-NIG) 
Funding Quantum: Up to S$130,000 (incl. of 30% IRC)
Funding Period: Up to two years (projects involving prospective patient/subject recruitment may apply for up to three years)
Internal Submission Deadline: 17 Jul 2024
Grant Call Launch Date: 01 Jul 2024
Grant Call Deadline: 29 Jul 2024

Mode of Submission:

  • For projects with NUH as HI: IGMS submission only
  • For projects with NUS as HI: Submission of application zip folder downloaded from IGMS, and the Research Compliances & Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO


Download grant call information here (3.8 MB).

NMRC Population Health Research Grant (PHRG) - Thematic Category
Funding Quantum & Period: No stipulated caps in funding quantum or duration. Quantum and duration to be deliberated during the co-creation and review process
Internal Submission Deadline: Open throughout the year
Grant Call Launch Date: Open throughout the year
Grant Call Deadline: Open throughout the year

Mode of Submission:

  • For projects with NUH as HI: IGMS submission only
  • For projects with NUS as HI: Submission of application zip folder downloaded from IGMS, and the Research Compliances & Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO


Download grant call information here (3.8 MB).

NMRC Clinician Scientist - Individual Research Grant (CS-IRG)
Funding Quantum: Up to S$1.95 million (incl. of 30% IRC)
Funding Period: Up to three years (projects involving prospective patient/subject recruitment may apply for up to five years)
Internal Submission Deadline: 17 Jul 2024
Grant Call Launch Date: 01 Jul 2024
Grant Call Deadline: 29 Jul 2024

Mode of Submission:

  • For projects with NUH as HI: IGMS submission only
  • For projects with NUS as HI: Submission of application zip folder downloaded from IGMS, and the Research Compliances & Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO


Download grant call information here (3.8 MB).

NMRC Clinician Scientist - Individual Research Grant - New Investigator Grant (CS-IRG-NIG)
Funding Quantum: Up to S$260,000 million (incl. of 30% IRC)
Funding Period: Up to two years (projects involving prospective patient/subject recruitment may apply for up to three years)
Internal Submission Deadline: 17 Jul 2024
Grant Call Launch Date: 01 Jul 2024
Grant Call Deadline: 29 Jul 2024

Mode of Submission:

  • For projects with NUH as HI: IGMS submission only
  • For projects with NUS as HI: Submission of application zip folder downloaded from IGMS, and the Research Compliances & Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO


Download grant call information here (3.8 MB).

NMRC Open Fund Individual Research Grant (OF-IRG)
Funding Quantum: Up to S$1.625 million (incl. of 30% IRC)
Funding Period: Up to five years
Internal Submission Deadline: 17 Jul 2024
Grant Call Launch Date: 01 Jul 2024
Grant Call Deadline: 29 Jul 2024

Mode of Submission:

  • For projects with NUH as HI: IGMS submission only
  • For projects with NUS as HI: Submission of application zip folder downloaded from IGMS, and the Research Compliances & Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO


Download grant call information here (3.8 MB).

NMRC Open Fund Young Individual Research Grant (OF-YIRG)
Funding Quantum: Up to S$325,000 (incl. of 30% IRC)
Funding Period: Up to three years
Internal Submission Deadline: 17 Jul 2024
Grant Call Launch Date: 01 Jul 2024
Grant Call Deadline: 29 Jul 2024

Mode of Submission:

  • For projects with NUH as HI: IGMS submission only
  • For projects with NUS as HI: Submission of application zip folder downloaded from IGMS, and the Research Compliances & Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO


Download grant call information here (3.8 MB).

NMRC Clinical Trial Grant-Industry Collaborative Trials (CTG-ICT)
Funding Quantum: Up to S$4.94 million (incl. of 30% IRC)
Funding Period: Up to five years
Internal Submission Deadline: Open throughout the year
Grant Call Launch Date: Open throughout the year
Grant Call Deadline: Open throughout the year

Mode of Submission:

  • For projects with NUH as HI: IGMS submission only
  • For projects with NUS as HI: Submission of application zip folder downloaded from IGMS, and the Research Compliances & Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO


Download grant call information here (3.8 MB).

NMRC Clinical Trial Grant-Investigator-Initiated Trials (CTG-IIT)
Funding Quantum: Up to S$1.625 million (incl. of 30% IRC)
Funding Period: Up to five years
Internal Submission Deadline: 17 Jul 2024
Grant Call Launch Date: 01 Jul 2024
Grant Call Deadline: 29 Jul 2024

Mode of Submission:

  • For projects with NUH as HI: IGMS submission only
  • For projects with NUS as HI: Submission of application zip folder downloaded from IGMS, and the Research Compliances & Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO


Download grant call information here (3.8 MB)

NMRC Singapore Translational Research (STaR) Investigator Award
Funding Quantum: 
  1. First award: Up to S$6 million, or
  2. Subsequent renewal: Up to S$4 million that includes:
  • PI's salary support up to S$600,000 per annum +
  • Grant support (incl. of 30% IRC)
Funding Period: 
  1. First award: Over five years
  2. Subsequent renewal: Over five years
Internal Submission Deadline: 17 Jul 2024
Grant Call Launch Date: 01 Jul 2024
Grant Call Deadline: 29 Jul 2024

Mode of Submission:

  • For projects with NUH as HI: IGMS submission only
  • For projects with NUS as HI: Submission of application zip folder downloaded from IGMS, and the Research Compliances & Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO


Download grant call information here (3.8 MB).

NMRC Clinician Scientist Award (CSA)
Funding Quantum:
  1. 0.5 FTE to 0.7 FTE salary support of actual research time, subject to NMRC annual salary cap
  2. Grant support of up to:
  • INV category: S$675,000 (incl. of 30% IRC)
  • SI category: S$1.75 million (incl. of 30% IRC)
Funding Period: 
  1. INV category: Over three years
  2. SI category: Over five years
Internal Submission Deadline: 17 Jul 2024
Grant Call Launch Date: 01 Jul 2024
Grant Call Deadline: 29 Jul 2024

Mode of Submission:

  • For projects with NUH as HI: IGMS submission only
  • For projects with NUS as HI: Submission of application zip folder downloaded from IGMS, and the Research Compliances & Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO


Download grant call information here (3.8 MB).

NMRC HPHSR Clinician Scientist Award (HCSA)
Funding Quantum:
  1. 0.5 FTE to 0.7 FTE salary support of actual research time, subject to NMRC annual salary cap
  2. Grant support of up to:
  • INV category: S$500,000 (incl. of 30% IRC)
  • SI category: S$1.30 million (incl. of 30% IRC)
Funding Period: 
  1. INV category: Over three years
  2. SI category: Over five years
Internal Submission Deadline: 17 Jul 2024
Grant Call Launch Date: 01 Jul 2024
Grant Call Deadline: 29 Jul 2024

Mode of Submission:

  • For projects with NUH as HI: IGMS submission only
  • For projects with NUS as HI: Submission of application zip folder downloaded from IGMS, and the Research Compliances & Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO


Download grant call information here (3.8 MB).

NMRC Clinician Innovator Award (CIA)
Funding Quantum:
  1. Up to 0.3 FTE salary support of actual research time, subject to NMRC annual salary cap
  2. Grant support of up to:
  • INV category: S$250,000 (incl. of 30% IRC)
  • SI category: S$500,000 (incl. of 30% IRC)
Funding Period: 
  1. INV category: Over two years
  2. SI category: Over two years
Internal Submission Deadline: 17 Jul 2024
Grant Call Launch Date: 01 Jul 2024
Grant Call Deadline: 29 Jul 2024

Mode of Submission:

  • For projects with NUH as HI: IGMS submission only
  • For projects with NUS as HI: Submission of application zip folder downloaded from IGMS, and the Research Compliances & Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO


Download grant call information here (3.8 MB).

NMRC Transition Award (TA)
Funding Quantum: 
  1. 0.5 FTE to 0.7 FTE salary support of actual research time, subject to NMRC annual salary cap
  2. Grant support of up to S$300,000 (incl. of 30% IRC)
Funding Period: Up to four years
Internal Submission Deadline: 17 Jul 2024
Grant Call Launch Date: 01 Jul 2024
Grant Call Deadline: 29 Jul 2024

Mode of Submission:

  • For projects with NUH as HI: IGMS submission only
  • For projects with NUS as HI: Submission of application zip folder downloaded from IGMS, and the Research Compliances & Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO


Download grant call information here (3.8 MB). 

NMRC Research Training Fellowship (RTF)

Funding Quantum: Up to S$500,000 comprising of

  1. Salary support
  2. Tuition fees
  3. Conference support
  4. Maintenance allowance and others (e.g. return air travel, health insurance)
  • For overseas non-PhD training, the award is capped at $300,000 and institutions are encouraged to co-fund if required. Clinicians pursuing overseas full-time PhD training may request for up to S$800,000
Funding Period: Up to two to three years (extendable to four years for PhD degree)
Internal Submission Deadline: 17 Jul 2024
Grant Call Launch Date: 01 Jul 2024
Grant Call Deadline: 29 Jul 2024

Mode of Submission:

  • For projects with NUH as HI: IGMS submission only
  • For projects with NUS as HI: Submission of application zip folder downloaded from IGMS, and the Research Compliances & Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO


Download grant call information here (3.8 MB).

A*STAR Grants
A*STAR Industry Alignment Fund - Industry Collaboration Project (IAF-ICP) Call for Letter-of-Intent (LOI) / Full Proposal
Funding Quantum: Up to S$25,000,000 or more than S$25,000,000
Funding Period: No more than 36 months
Internal Submission Deadline: Open throughout the year, accepted on a rolling basis
Grant Call Launch Date: Open throughout the year
Grant Call Deadline: Open throughout the year, accepted on a rolling basis

Mode of Submission:

For proposals seeking up to S$25,000,000 (one-stage full proposal):

  1. For NUH PIs: submission of full proposal to NUHS RO for endorsement
  2. For NUSMed PIs: submission of full proposal to ODPRT for endorsement

For proposals seeking more than S$25,000,000 (two-stage LOI and full proposal):

  1. For NUH PIs: submission of LOI to NUHS RO for endorsement, successful proposals will be notified by the Implementing Agency for full proposal submission
  2. For NUSMed PIs: submission of LOI to ODPRT for endorsement, successful proposals will be notified by the Implementing Agency for full proposal submission


A*STAR Manufacturing, Trade and Connectivity (MTC) MedTech Programmatic Seed Grant

Funding Quantum: Up to S$350,000 (incl. of 30% IRC)
Funding Period: Over 12 months
Internal Submission Deadline: 16 Jul 2024
Grant Call Launch Date:
 14 Jun 2024
Grant Call Deadline: 26 Jul 2024
Mode of Submission: 
1) Submission of completed application form, budget template and the Research Compliances and Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO for endorsement
2) Upload of 
fully completed and endorsed application form and budget template onto the iGrants portal

    Download grant call information here (ZIP, 2.9 MB).

    MOE Grants
    Ministry of Education (MOE) 4th Science of Learning (SoL) Grant Call (Whitepaper)

    Funding Quantum: 
    Type A: Use-Inspired Basic and Applied Research
    1) Type A1 (Research Programmes, Team-based efforts, with sub-projects): Up to S$5,000,000 (incl. of 30% IRC)
    2) Type A2 (Investigator-led Projects): Up to $S2,000,000 (incl. of 30% IRC)
    3) Type A3 (Seed Grants): Up to S$500,000 (incl. of 30% IRC)

    Type B: Development and Translation
    4) Type B1 (Research Programmes, Team-based efforts, with sub-projects): Up to S$5,000,000 (incl. of 30% IRC)
    Funding Period: 
    Type A: Use-Inspired Basic and Applied Research
    1) Type A1 (Research Programmes, Team-based efforts, with sub-projects): Up to five years
    2) Type A2 (Investigator-led Projects): Up to five years
    3) Type A3 (Seed Grants): Up to three years

    Type B: Development and Translation
    4) Type B1 (Research Programmes, Team-based efforts, with sub-projects): Up to five years

    Internal Submission Deadline: 08 Jul 2024
    Grant Call Launch Date: 06 Jun 2024
    Grant Call Deadline: 21 Aug 2024
    Mode of Submission: Submission of the completed Whitepaper application package and the Research Compliances and Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO

    Download grant call information here (ZIP, 2.4 MB).

    NRF Grant

    Singapore-China Joint Flagship Project (Food Resilience)

    Funding Quantum: Up to S$3,000,000 (incl. of IRC)
    Funding Period: Up to three years

    Internal Submission Deadline: 22 Jul 2024
    Grant Call Launch Date: 24 Jun 2024
    Grant Call Deadline: 23 Aug 2024
    Mode of Submission:
    Submission of the completed proposal template, budget template, CV template, any other supporting documents, and the Research Compliances and Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO

    Download grant call information here (ZIP, 150 KB).

    NHIC Grant

    NHIC Innovation to Startup (I2S) Grant Call 2024

    Funding Quantum: 

    1. Phase 1 & 2: Up to S$300,000 each (incl. of 30% IRC)
    2. Phase 3: Up to S$250,000 for Proof-of-Concept (POC) projects and S$500,000 for Proof-of-Value (POV) projects

    Funding Period: 

    1. Phase 1 & 2: Up to one year each
    2. Phase 3: Up to one year for POC projects and two years for POV projects

    Internal Submission Deadline: 02 Sep 2024
    Grant Call Launch Date: 02 Jul 2024
    Grant Call Deadline: 02 Sep 2024
    Mode of Submission: Submission of the Letter-of-Intent to the I2Start Grant Secretariat

    Download grant call information here (ZIP, 100 KB).

    NUS Grants
    ​2024 Cornell-NUS Global Strategic Collaboration Awards - Call for Applications

    Funding Quantum: Up to USD$10,000 (USD$5,000 from each university)
    Funding Period: Up to one year
    Internal Submission Deadline: 30 Sep 2024
    Grant Call Launch Date: 15 May 2024
    Grant Call Deadline: 05 Oct 2024
    Mode of Submission: Submission of the following documents (i.e. completed Cornell application form, project budget template, project timeline template and the Research Compliances and Resources (RC&R) Form) to NUHS RO

    Download grant call information here (ZIP, 430 KB).

    MERLION Programme 2025: Call for Projects

    Funding Quantum: 
    1) MERLION Project: Up to €5,000 per annum for NUS PIs (no IRC)
    2) MERLION Workshop: Up to €7,500 for NUS PIs (no IRC)
    Funding Period:  
    1) MERLION Project: Up to two years
    2) MERLION Workshop: Up to one year

    Internal Submission Deadline: 09 Sep 2024
    Grant Call Launch Date: 27 Jun 2024
    Grant Call Deadline: 16 Sep 2024
    Mode of Submission: 
    1) Submission of completed NUS MERLION cover page form and the Research Compliances and Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO for approval
    2) Submission of joint application in English to the online portal 


    Download grant call information here (ZIP, 30 KB).

    JSPS-NUS Joint Research Projects and Joint Seminars - Call for FY2025 Applications

    Funding Quantum: 
    1) Joint Research Projects: Up to S$38,000 per project, per fiscal year (no IRC)
    2) Joint Seminars: Up to S$38,000 (no IRC)
    Funding Period: 
    1) Joint Research Projects: Up to two years
    2) Joint Seminars: Up to one week

    Internal Submission Deadline: 27 Aug 2024
    Grant Call Launch Date: 25 Jun 2024
    Grant Call Deadline: 03 Sep 2024
    Mode of Submission: Submission of completed application form, one-page CV for each member on the Singapore and Japan team, and the Research Compliances and Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO


    Download grant call information here (ZIP, 300 KB).

    HSS Seed Fund Proposals 2024

    Funding Quantum: Up to S$40,000 (no IRC)

    Internal Submission Deadline: 05 Jul 2024
    Grant Call Launch Date: 31 May 2024
    Grant Call Deadline: 12 Jul 2024
    Mode of Submission: 
    Submission of completed HSS Seed Fund Application Form and the Research Compliances and Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO

    Download grant call information here (ZIP, 21 KB).

    Ad-hoc Grants

    Singapore Cancer Society (SCS) Cancer Research Grant 2024

    Funding Quantum: Up to S$100,000 (IRC has been waived)
    Funding Period: Up to two years
    Internal Submission Deadline: 26 Jul 2024
    Grant Call Launch Date: 24 May 2024
    Grant Call Deadline: 02 Aug 2024
    Mode of Submission:
    1) Submission of completed application package (Annex A to D), other supporting documents, and the Research Compliances and Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO for endorsement
    2) PI to submit endorsed full application package via the SCS portal 

    Download grant call information here (ZIP, 2.1 MB).

    Workforce Development Applied Research Fund (WDARF) Grant Call 2024

    Funding Quantum: No funding cap but research projects must be costed appropriately and reasonably according to the methodology proposed and overall size of the project (incl. of 30% IRC)
    Funding Period: Up to 24 months

    Internal Submission Deadline: 22 Jul 2024
    Grant Call Launch Date: 18 Jun 2024
    Grant Call Deadline: 30 Jul 2024
    Mode of Submission:
    Submission of endorsed Expression of Interest (EOI) form (in both Word and PDF format) to NUHS RO 

    Download grant call information here (ZIP, 1.8 MB).

    AI Research Grant Calls 2024 - 6th Call

    Funding Quantum: Up to S$1,000,000 (incl. of 30% IRC)

    Internal Submission Deadline: 22 Jul 2024
    Grant Call Launch Date: 06 Jun 2024
    Grant Call Deadline: 28 Aug 2024
    Mode of Submission: 
    1) Submission of the completed and endorsed application package, annexes, and the Research Compliances and Resources (RC&R) Form to NUHS RO for endorsement
    2) PI to submit endorsed full application package via the AISG portal 

    Download grant call information here (ZIP, 1.1 MB).

    # Kindly refer to the NUHS Intranet to retrieve the following information:

    1. Contact List of NUHS Research Office Grants Team

      Find the contact details of the officer-in-charge for the various grants
      (Location in the NUHS intranet - Research Matters > Research Grants > Contact Us > Contact List [downloadable PDF document])

    2. NUH Grant Endorsement Form (GEF) /NUS Research Compliances and Resource Forms

      (Location in the NUHS intranet - Research Matters > Research Grants > Grant Flow and Processes > Useful form templates for download > NUH GEF / NUS Research Compliances and Resources Form [downloadable Word document])

    1E Kent Ridge Road, NUHS Tower Block, Singapore 119228
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