Family Medicine @ NUHS

Family Medicine's Research


Family Medicine - Research

Primary Care Research Unit (PCRU)

Since its creation at the end of 2018, the Primary Care Research Unit (PCRU) of the NUHS Department of Family Medicine has been ramping up its research activity to reach more than 25 active projects currently. PCRU has been working with primary care, hospital specialists and basic science colleagues across institutions, organisations and disciplines to explore a variety of areas ranging from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the population, through the management of chronic and infectious diseases, all the way to understanding and detecting mental illness as well as risks to healthy aging.

PCRU strives to reinforce Family Medicine's role as a frontline care provider in the community by identifying and addressing gaps in current practices as well as improving screening and disease management strategies. Leveraging the large amount of retrospective data available through our partner's - the National University Polyclinics' - medical records, PCRU has been investigating disease management patterns and adherence to guidelines in chronic diseases such as chronic kidney disease, diabetes and cancer.

PCRU also aims at delineating the role of the Family Medicine of tomorrow through numerous projects centred around patients and their circle of support, including their families, caregivers and family physicians. By investigating current challenges in vulnerable populations through qualitative and quantitative studies, PCRU is looking for ways to adopt more holistic approaches in Family Medicine, including ways to engage patients and their families in patients' care and safety.

Finally, PCRU members contribute to education in research within the NUHS Family Medicine Residency, National University Polyclinics and the NUHS Primary Care Network of general practitioners, through workshops, lectures, and mentoring. Many residents and medical students are involved in PCRU's research every year. PCRU has also created the NUHS Family Medicine Academic Scholars' Programme in 2020, which gives the opportunity to Family Medicine doctors including private GPs to develop academic skills of teaching and research. Doctors joining the Scholars' Programme are provided with supervised education and research opportunities, protected time for academic activities, and support to undertake a higher degree in research in the longer term.

Family Medicine Research Diagram

Current Research Projects

Updated 31 Jan 2023

Diabetes/Chronic Disease | Cancer Care | Mental Health | Healthy Longevity | Infectious Disease | Patient Safety | Family Orientation | Vulnerable Populations (People with Disabilities)

ProjectPrincipal InvestigatorCo-Investigator
Diabetes/Chronic Disease
The perspectives of patients with diabetes towards care and support planning (CSP) consultations in PACE-DVictor LohDoris Young
Systematic review of the enablers and barriers of diabetes self-care in the primary care setting in AsiaTan Wee HianVictor Loh
The role of primary care networks in diabetes care delivery in SingaporeGoh Lay HoonDoris Young
Rosalind Siah
Tai E Shyong
Monica Lazarus
Quality indicators for the detection and management of chronic kidney disease in primary care: An exploratory study using electronic medical record data in SingaporeDesmond OngTang Xin Kai
Goh Lay Hoon
Ling Zheng Jye
Harnessing human Potential and improving health sPan in women and their children study (HAPPY)Johan Eriksson
(National University of Singapore)
Doris Young
Monica Lazarus
Desmond Ong
Goh Lay Hoon
Patient Reported Indicator Survey (PaRIS): International survey on outcomes and experiences of patients with chronic conditionsDolf Boer
(Institute for Health Services Research (NIVEL) Netherlands)
Jose Valderas
Strengthening the patient voice in health service evaluation: Machine learning on free text comments from surveys and online sourcesØyvind Andresen Bjertnæs
(Norwegian Institute for Public Health, Norway)
Jose Valderas
Implementing PROMs and PREMs in routine clinical care: Assessment of requirements and impactGarin O
(Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute, Spain)
Jose Valderas
Cancer Care
Following up on the follow-up - Looking into breast cancer patients and their carers' views on follow-up careLim Fong SengLinda He
Samuel Ow
Rose Fok
Mohd Sufyan
The SPOtting Cancer among Comorbidities (SPOCC) programme - Supporting clinical decision making in patients with symptoms of cancer and pre-existing conditionsGary Abel
(University of Exeter, UK)
Jose Valderas
Mental Health
​Primary care physicians' perspectives on the identification and management of postnatal mental health problems in primary careLiow YiyangMonica Lazarus
Victor Loh
Shefaly Shorey

Jose Valderas
Doris Young
Cornelia Chee
Late-life depression and help-seeking research programme:
  • Depression literacy in older adults: a systematic review
  • Personality and help-seeking for emotional distress: a systematic review
  • General practitioners' perspective on late-life depression: a qualitative study
Anna Szuecs-
Youth mental health in Singapore - A survey of the perspective of primary care physiciansVictor LohMonica Lazarus
Doris Young
Chua Ying Xian
Guo Xiao Xuan
Eugene Chua
Leong Choon Kit
John Wong
Healthy Longevity
A multi-level approach to understanding the perceived barriers and enablers to participating in lifestyle intervention among multi-ethnic older adults with pre-frailty and frailty: A qualitative studyRichard Hui
(National University Polyclinics)
Janice Liew
Zhang Zhi Peng
(Choa Chu Kang Polyclinic site co-investigator)
Kwek Sing Cheer
(Bukit Batok Polyclinic site co-investigator)
SCREEN II tool: Upstream identification of nutritional risk and its determinants amongst patients ≥ 55 years old in primary care in SingaporeTan Hwei MingGoh Lay Hoon
Ruth Teh
(University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Chan Yiong Huak
Verena Tan
(Singapore Institute of Technology)
Tan Wee Hian
Exploring the health seeking behaviour and utilisation of primary health care services among older adults during COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative studyJanice Liew
(National University of Singapore)
Tan Hwei Ming
Monica Lazarus
The development and validation of a patient-reported outcome measure for older people with frailty and acute care needsVan Oppen J
(University of Leeds)
Jose Valderas
Infectious Disease
SENTIVAC: SENTINEL GP/FP cohort study to address COVID 19 VACcine uptake and hesitancyVictor LohLeong Choon Kit
Sky Koh
Doris Young
Prescribing antIbiOtics in pRimary care for UTI (PRIOR-UTI)Sky Koh Victor Loh
Doris Young
Tracy Ng
Primary Care Antimicrobial Stewardship (PC-AMS)
Subtheme of CoSTAR-HS:
Collaborative Solutions Targeting Antimicrobial Threats in Health Systems
Victor Loh
Meena Sundram
(National University Polyclinics)
Sky Koh
Vivien Lee
Doris Young
INTRePID: International Consortium of Primary Care Big Data ResearchersGoh Lay HoonLing Zheng Jye
Patient Safety
Patient and family engagement interventions on patients' safety in primary care setting: A systematic review and meta-analysisPang YanFoon Leng
Jose Valderas
Anna Szuecs
Goh Lay Hoon
Jaheeda Gangannagaripalli
Nacho Ricci Cabello
Patient complaints within general practice in Singapore using the healthcare complaints analysis tool (general practice): A mixed methods studySky KohJose Valderas
Queenie Quek
Mehul Motani
Tan Chong Min
Family Orientation
Family orientation in family medicineMonica LazarusAnna Szuecs
Vivien Lee
Alicia Ong
Jose Valderas
​Vulnerable Populations (People with Disability)
Communication with persons with disabilities (PWD): Pre- and post-workshop surveys Vivien Lee Victor Loh
Jeffrey Jiang
Anna Szuecs
Grant Funded Research Projects
ProjectPrincipal Investigator
Following up on the follow-up - Breast cancer patients' and their carers' viewsDr Lim Fong Seng
Singapore Primary Care Cancer Network (SPriNT) StudyProfessor Doris Young
Postnatal mental health - Primary care physicians' perspectiveDr Liow Yiyang
Primary care networks in diabetes care delivery in SingaporeDr Goh Lay Hoon
Quality indicators - Chronic kidney disease in primary careDr Desmond Ong
SENTIVAC – COVID-19 vaccine communication and messaging Dr Victor Loh
Youth mental health in Singapore – A perspective of primary care physiciansDr Victor Loh

Updated 31 Jan 2023

Publications: 2022 | 2021 | 2020
  1. Coste, J., Valderas, J. M., & Carcaillon-Bentata, L. (2022). The epidemiology of multimorbidity in France: Variations by gender, age and socioeconomic factors, and implications for surveillance and prevention. PloS one, 17(4), e0265842.

  2. de Boer, D., van den Berg, M., Ballester, M., Bloemeke, J., Boerma, W., de Bienassis, K., Groenewegen, P., Groene, O., Kendir, C., Klazinga, N., Porter, I., Sunol, R., Thomas, L., Valderas, J. M., Williams, R., & Rijken, M. (2022). Assessing the outcomes and experiences of care from the perspective of people living with chronic conditions, to support countries in developing people-centred policies and practices: study protocol of the International Survey of People Living with Chronic Conditions (PaRIS survey). BMJ open, 12(9), e061424.

  3. Delgado, J., Evans, P. H., Gray, D. P., Sidaway-Lee, K., Allan, L., Clare, L., Ballard, C., Masoli, J., Valderas, J. M., & Melzer, D. (2022). Continuity of GP care for patients with dementia: impact on prescribing and the health of patients. British Journal of General Practice, 72(715), e91–e98.

  4. Del Cura-González, I., López-Rodríguez, J. A., Leiva-Fernández, F., Gimeno-Feliu, L. A., Pico-Soler, V., Bujalance-Zafra, M. J., Domínguez-Santaella, M., Polentinos-Castro, E., Poblador-Plou, B., Ara-Bardají, P., Aza-Pascual-Salcedo, M., Rogero-Blanco, M., Castillo-Jiménez, M., Lozano-Hernández, C., Gimeno-Miguel, A., González-Rubio, F., Medina-García, R., González-Hevilla, A., Gil-Conesa, M., … Group, M. U. L. T. I. P. A. P. P. L. U. S. (2022). Effectiveness of the MULTIPAP Plus intervention in youngest-old patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy aimed at improving prescribing practices in primary care: study protocol of a cluster randomized trial. Trials, 23(1), 479–479.

  5. Del Cura-González, I.; López-Rodríguez, J.A.; Leiva-Fernández, F.; Gimeno-Miguel, A.; Poblador-Plou, B.; López-Verde, F.; Lozano-Hernández, C.; Pico-Soler, V.; Bujalance-Zafra, M.J.; Gimeno-Feliu, L.A.; Aza-Pascual-Salcedo, M.; Rogero-Blanco, M.; González-Rubio, F.; García-de-Blas, F.; Polentinos-Castro, E.; Sanz-Cuesta, T.; Castillo-Jimena, M.; Alonso-García, M.; Calderón-Larrañaga, A.; Valderas, J.M.; Marengoni, A.; Muth, C.; Prados-Torres, J.D.; Prados-Torres, A.; Multi-PAP Group. How to Improve Healthcare for Patients with Multimorbidity and Polypharmacy in Primary Care: A Pragmatic Cluster-Randomized Clinical Trial of the MULTIPAP Intervention. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 12(5), 752.

  6. Emery, J., Wong, M. C., & Young, D. (2022). The development of the Asia-Pacific Primary CareCancer Research Group. European Journal of Cancer Care, e13579-e13579.

  7. Evans, J. P., Gibbons, C., Toms, A. D., & Valderas, J. M. (2022). Use of computerised adaptive testing to reduce the number of items in patient-reported hip and knee outcome scores: an analysis of the NHS England National Patient-Reported Outcome Measures programme. BMJ open, 12(7), e059415.

  8. Gangadharan, S., Tomari, S., Levi, C. R., Weaver, N., Holliday, E., Bajorek, B., Lasserson, D., Valderas, J. M., Dewey, H. M., Barber, P. A., Spratt, N. J., Cadilhac, D. A., Feigin, V. L., Rothwell, P. M., Zareie, H., Garcia-Esperon, C., Davey, A., Najib, N., Sales, M., & Magin, P. (2022). Rural versus metropolitan comparison of processes of care in the community-based management of TIA and minor stroke in Australia (an analysis from the INSIST study). The Australian journal of rural health, 10.1111/ajr.12950. Advance online publication.

  9. Jordan, A. N., Anning, C., Wilkes, L., Ball, C., Pamphilon, N., Clark, C. E., Bellenger, N. G., Shore, A. C., Sharp, A. S. P., & Valderas, J. M. (2022). Cross-cultural adaptation of the Spanish MINICHAL instrument into English for use in the United Kingdom. Health and quality of life outcomes, 20(1), 39.

  10. Klapproth, C. P., Sidey-Gibbons, C. J., Valderas, J. M., Rose, M., & Fischer, F. (2022). Comparison of the PROMIS Preference Score (PROPr) and EQ-5D-5L Index Value in General Population Samples in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, 25(5), 824–834.

  11. Koh, S. W. C., Liow, Y., Loh, V. W. K., Liew, S. J., Chan, Y. H., & Young, D. (2022). COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy among primary healthcare workers in Singapore. BMC primary care, 23(1), 1-9.

  12. Koh, S. W. C., Tan, H. M., Lee, W. H., Mathews, J., & Young, D. (2022). Covid-19 vaccine booster hesitancy among healthcare workers: a retrospective observational study in Singapore. Vaccines, 10(3), 464.

  13. Liow, Y., Young, D., Stavdal, A., & Valderas, J. M. (2022). From Astana to Singapore: Primary Health Care is key to the long-term success of Singapore's health system. Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore, 51(9), 528–530.

  14. Lim, T. S. C., Ismail-Pratt, I., & Goh, L. H. (2022). Cervical cancer screening and vaccination: understanding the latest guidelines. Singapore medical journal, 63(3), 125.

  15. Mounce, L. T. A., Salema, N. E., Gangannagaripalli, J., Ricci-Cabello, I., Avery, A. J., Kadam, U. T., & Valderas, J. M. (2022). Development of 2 Short Patient-Report Questionnaires of Patient Safety in Primary Care. Journal of patient safety, 18(3), 161–170.

  16. Ng, C. H., Chan, K. E., Chin, Y. H., Zeng, R. W., Tsai, P. C., Lim, W. H., ... & Muthiah, M. (2022). The Effect of Diabetes and Prediabetes on the Prevalence, Complications and Mortality in Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Clinical and Molecular Hepatology.

  17. Ng, C. H., Lim, W. H., Chin, Y. H., Yong, J. N., Zeng, R. W., Chan, K. E., ... & Muthiah, M. (2022). Living in the non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease silent epidemic: a qualitative systematic review of patients' perspectives. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 56(4), 570-579.

  18. Osorio, J., Madrazo, Z., Videla, S., Sainz, B., Rodríguez-Gonzalez, A., Campos, A., Santamaria, M., Pelegrina, A., Gonzalez-Serrano, C., Aldeano, A., Sarriugarte, A., Gómez-Díaz, C. J., Ruiz-Luna, D., García-Ruiz-de-Gordejuela, A., Gomez-Gavara, C., Gil-Barrionuevo, M., Vila, M., Clavell, A., Campillo, B., … Group, C. O. V. I. D.-C. I. R. C. (2022). Use of failure-to-rescue after emergency surgery as a dynamic indicator of hospital resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. A multicenter retrospective propensity score-matched cohort study. International Journal of Surgery (London, England), 106, 106890–106890.

  19. Serrano-Ripoll, M. J., Fiol-deRoque, M. A., Valderas, J. M., Zamanillo-Campos, R., Llobera, J., de Labry Lima, A. O., Pastor-Moreno, G., & Ricci-Cabello, I. (2022). Feasibility of the SINERGIAPS ("Sinergias entre profesionales y pacientes para una Atención Primaria Segura") intervention for improving patient safety in primary care. Family practice, 39(5), 843–851.

  20. Sit, R. W., Wang, B., Ng, W. S., Abullah, A., Isamail, I. Z., Goh, L. H., & Wong, S. Y. (2022). Prevalence and association of chronic musculoskeletal pain on self-management, glycemic control and quality of life among Chinese type 2 diabetes patients in primary care. Primary Care Diabetes.

  21. Serrano-Ripoll, M. J., Llobera, J., Valderas, J. M., de Labry Lima, A. O., Fiol-deRoque, M. A., Ripoll, J., & Ricci-Cabello, I. (2022). Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Validation, and Piloting of the Patient Reported Experiences and Outcomes of Safety in Primary Care Questionnaire for Its Use in Spain. Journal of patient safety, 18(2), 102–110.

  22. Tan, G. H. C., Hong, D. Z., Lim, I. C. Z. Y., Toh, Y. P., Loh, V. W. K., & Lien, V. (2022). Mindful Caring: A pilot study of an online mindfulness workshop for medical students to improve self-compassion.

  23. Tan, W. B., Szücs, A., Burkill, S. M., Ong, S. H., Young, D., & Goh, L. H. (2022). Nephrologist referrals of elderly CKD patients in Singapore: A cross-sectional study. BJGP open.

  24. Tu, K., Sarkadi Kristiansson, R., Gronsbell, J., de Lusignan, S., Flottorp, S., Goh, L. H., Hallinan, C. M., Hoang, U., Kang, S. Y., Kim, Y. S., Li, Z., Ling, Z. J., Manski-Nankervis, J.-A., Ng, A. P. P., Pace, W. D., Wensaas, K.-A., Wong, W. C., Stephenson, E., & INTRePID. (2022). Changes in primary care visits arising from the COVID-19 pandemic: an international comparative study by the International Consortium of Primary Care Big Data Researchers (INTRePID). BMJ Open, 12(5), e059130–e059130.

  25. van Oppen, J. D., Alshibani, A., Coats, T. J., Graham, B., Holch, P., Lalseta, J., ... & Conroy, S. P. (2022). A systematic review and recommendations for prom instruments for older people with frailty in emergency care. Journal of patient-reported outcomes, 6(1), 1-11.

  26. van Oppen, J. D., Coats, T. J., Conroy, S. P., Lalseta, J., Phelps, K., Regen, E., Riley, P., Valderas, J. M., & Mackintosh, N. (2022). What matters most in acute care: an interview study with older people living with frailty. BMC geriatrics, 22(1), 156.

  27. Wong, M. C., Wang, B., Lim, F. S., Teo, S. H., Huang, J., & Young, D. (2022). Cancer control in primary care in Asia: Current challenges and future perspectives. European Journal of Cancer Care, 31(5), e13580.

  28. Zhu, C. S., Yap, R. K. F., Lim, S. Y. S., Toh, Y. P., & Loh, V. W. K. (2022). Humanism in Asian medical education-A scoping review.

  1. Garratt, A. M., Coste, J., Rouquette, A., & Valderas, J. M. (2021). The Norwegian PROMIS-29: psychometric validation in the general population for Norway. Journal of patient-reported outcomes, 5(1), 1-11.

  2. Guo, H., Hildon, Z. J. L., Loh, V. W. K., Sundram, M., Ibrahim, M. A. B., Tang, W. E., & Chow, A. (2021). Exploring the social ecology for appropriate antibiotic prescribing and stewardship in primary care: presenting the VALUE driven model of practice derived from qualitative analysis of public and private care settings in Singapore.

  3. Guo, H., Hildon, Z. J., Loh, V., Sundram, M., Ibrahim, M., Tang, W. E., & Chow, A. (2021). Exploring antibiotic prescribing in public and private primary care settings in Singapore: a qualitative analysis informing theory and evidence-based planning for value-driven intervention design. BMC family practice, 22(1), 205.

  4. Kong, J. S. M., Teo, B. S., Lee, Y. J., Pabba, A. B., Lee, E. J. D., & Sng, J. C. G. (2021). Virtual integrated patient: An ai supplementary tool for second-year medical students. The Asia Pacific Scholar, 6(3), 87–90.

  5. Lau, S. S. M., Koh, S. W. C., & Lui, Y. S. (2021). Managing unhealthy alcohol use in general practice. Singapore Medical Journal, 62(2), 69.

  6. Liow, Y., Loh, V. W., Goh, L. H., Tan, D. H., Tan, T. L., Leong, C. K., & Young, D. Y. (2021). COVID-19 primary care response and challenges in Singapore: a tale of two curves. Hong Kong Med J, 27(1), 70-2.

  7. Teo, B. S., Li, E., Khoo, Y. L., Evaristo, M., Fang, Y., & Smith, H. E. (2021). A mobile swabbing booth to address Singapore GPs’ concerns about swabber protection: human-centred design during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Family Practice, 22(1).

  8. Wong, S. Y., Tan, D. H., Zhang, Y., Ramiah, A., Zeng, X., Hui, E., & Young, D. Y. (2021). A Tale of 3 Asian Cities: How is Primary Care Responding to COVID-19 in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Beijing?. The Annals of Family Medicine, 19(1), 48-54.

  1. Jain, S. R., Sui, Y., Ng, C. H., Chen, Z. X., Goh, L. H., & Shorey, S. (2020). Patients’ and healthcare professionals’ perspectives towards technology-assisted diabetes self-management education. A qualitative systematic review. PloS one, 15(8), e0237647.

  2. Tan, H. Q. M., Chin, Y. H., Ng, C. H., Liow, Y., Devi, M. K., Khoo, C. M., & Goh, L. H. (2020). Multidisciplinary team approach to diabetes. An outlook on providers’ and patients’ perspectives. Primary Care Diabetes, 14(5), 545-551.
Family Medicine Academic Scholars' Programme (Junior Faculty Scheme)

The Family Medicine Academic Scholars' Programme is a training programme for Family Medicine doctors to learn academic skills through individualised learning plans and supported with mentoring and supervision. This programme aims to develop clinician-scientists in Family Medicine, providing them with opportunities to experience medical teaching in an academic setting.

The programme provides an entry point to academic work with exposure to both research and education areas with emphasis on the former. It enables clinicians to get a deep understanding of current standards of practice and to incorporate academic work in his/her career. NUHS and the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine are committed in supporting the academic development of the National University Polyclinics' (NUP) doctors and general practitioners (GPs). This year is the first time that this opportunity is targeted at GPs.


To apply for the programme, you must -

  • Possess a recognised Master of Medicine (Family Medicine) or equivalent qualification
  • Practise in a family medicine setting
  • Possess a strong interest in research
Programme Details

This part-time training programme -

  • Will last for a period of 1 - 2 years.
  • Starts from June 2023.
  • Consists of work in research for two days a week.

For this programme, there is a formal support system of orientation, mentoring and supervision for research training with opportunities to undertake a higher degree such as a PhD. In addition to the primary focus on research, scholars will undertake medical education activities to experience and learn skills in the delivery and planning of medical education items. The NUP and GP Scholars will have the benefit of peer support from one another.

Training Programme

The Scholar will be trained in the following areas under supervision and mentorship:

Research Skills
  • Literature review, research proposal writing and ethics application
  • Hands-on, team-based research project work in existing projects with opportunities to undertake his or her own research
  • Presentation skills
  • Scientific writing
  • Teaching other learners in research e.g. residents and medical students
Medical Education Skills
  • Facilitation/feedback of consultation and clinical skills
  • Facilitation of large group teaching sessions
  • Reflecting, planning and ensuring the quality of specific workshops
  • Think critically about, gather data, and present in a peer-reviewed setting (e.g., conference) on a project related to an area of interest in medical education

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

To find out more about the programme, please download the FAQ document here (PDF, 634KB).

Other Enquiries / Apply Now

Interested applicants are to send their enquiries to Dr Goh Lay Hoon at [email protected] or Dr Anna Szücs at [email protected].

To apply, please submit your completed application form and required documents to Ms Thahirah Binte Habib Mohd at [email protected]. You can download the application form here (DOCX, 83 KB).

Application will close on 1 September 2024, 9.00am. 

Join the Research Team in Family Medicine

As part of our efforts to significantly increase the NUHS Department of Family Medicine's research capacity, we are expanding our team. The positions available provide an exciting opportunity for you to make a significant contribution to our research programmes for improving the lives of people receiving primary care. Our research spans across a wide range of areas such as chronic diseases (including mental health), cancer care and multi-morbidity, healthy longevity, family orientation, and quality of care.

Position now available:

1E Kent Ridge Road, NUHS Tower Block, Singapore 119228
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National University Health System
  • National University Hospital
  • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
  • Alexandra Hospital
  • Jurong Community Hospital
  • National University Polyclinics
  • Jurong Medical Centre
  • National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
  • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore
  • NUHS Diagnostics
  • NUHS Pharmacy
  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
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