
Core Education Programme (CEP)



NUHS Residency organises teaching sessions to equip residents with the knowledge and skills to manage day-to-day clinical situations.

Learn more about the respective Core Education Programme (CEP) modules below.

Intern (PGY1)
Compulsory Weekly Teaching for PGY1

CEP teaching is conducted weekly for the PGY1s. Topics include a comprehensive list of practical and must-know “Please come to see the patient” topics across many medical and surgical sub-specialties. It is designed to impart all-rounded clinical knowledge and help cultivate professionalism in the PGY1s.

For more information regarding the teaching schedule and core topics, please visit the PGY1 programme page or email Ms Fanny Yik at [email protected].

Resident (Post PGY1) CEP

Resident CEP is tailored for residents who progress beyond PGY1/R1. They will have the opportunity to participate in additional modules geared towards their development as clinicians, educators and researchers.

Compulsory Module for Residents of R1 & Above

Infection Prevention & Control Module

The Infection Control module is a compulsory course for all the R1 residents with effect from the AY2016 intake. Course attendance is required before progression to Senior Residency.

Participants will gain a basic understanding of what infection control is about from the following segments:

  1. Hand hygiene programme
  2. Antibiotics stewardship
  3. Nosocomial infections e.g. ventilator-associated pneumonia, catheter-associated urinary tract infection, central-line associated bloodstream infection etc.
  4. Isolation policies
  5. Outbreak investigation and control measures

Participants will also appreciate the infection control programme in NUH and know where to obtain assistance after the module.

For more information regarding the teaching schedule and core topics, click here or email Ms Lim Hui Tong at [email protected].

Compulsory Module for Residents of R2 and Above

Ethics & Professionalism

The Ethics & Professionalism module is a compulsory course for all the R2 residents. Course attendance is required before progression to Senior Residency.

There are three runs in a year. The full-day course will build on knowledge on ‘Ethics’ acquired in medical school and focus especially on issues arising in the course of providing team based care in a tertiary public sector hospital.

For more information regarding the teaching schedule and core topics, click here or email Ms Jamie Wong at [email protected].

Elective modules for residents of R2 and above

EQUIP-R (Enabling Quality Improvement for Clinical Practice for Residents)

The objectives of this course are to:

  • Introduce the quality improvement methodologies and
  • Engage residents in quality improvement projects and activities

The course will equip our residents with Quality Improvement skills (e.g. CPIP and NUHS Way). It includes experiential learning by starting a project during the course and completing it within three to six months. Participants will be supported throughout by experienced facilitators and senior clinician advisors.

For more information regarding the teaching schedule and core topics, email Mr Kenny Chiw at [email protected].

Residents As Teachers (RATS)

This programme is designed to equip the R2 & above residents in training in NUHS with the basic core skills as future teachers. The course will focus on pedagogy, assessment and student feedback. The overall course goals are to:

  • Facilitate the application of general educational principles in the continuing education of Residents as Teachers.
  • Equip the residents with the desired skills, ability and mindsets to design effective learning strategies in their educational planning.
  • Enhance the capability of residents to apply evidence-based educational best practices in their teaching-learning activities. For more information regarding the teaching schedule and core topics, email Ms Ann Koh at [email protected].
Medical Protection Society (MPS) Workshop

MPS workshops are focused on providing advice and practical tools and tips to help you deliver improved patient care.

The series of workshop provides you with proven techniques to reduce your risk of complaints and claims and help improved patient outcomes.

Limited slots are available for the workshop and registration is based on a first-come-first-serve basis. To register or check the dates, click here or email Mr Daniel Lee at [email protected].

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National University Health System
  • National University Hospital
  • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
  • Alexandra Hospital
  • Jurong Community Hospital
  • National University Polyclinics
  • Jurong Medical Centre
  • National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
  • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore
  • NUHS Diagnostics
  • NUHS Pharmacy
  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
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