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Dr Tan Jun Hao

Photo of Dr Tan Jun Hao


  • Associate Consultant, University Spine Centre, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, National University Hospital
  • Associate Consultant, Division of Spine Surgery, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
  • Associate Consultant, National University Spine Institute, National University Health System


MBBS (Sing), MRCS (Ireland), MMed (Ortho), FRCSEd (Orth), FAMS (Sing)


Dr Tan Jun Hao is an Associate Consultant in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Division of Spine Surgery in National University Hospital and Ng Teng Fong General Hospital. 

He graduated from National University of Singapore with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery degree (MBBS), obtaining the Yeoh Khuan Joo Gold Medal for being the top performing candidate in the surgery track, and the Singapore Medical Council Bronze Medal for being the 2nd top performer in the Final Professional Examination. He completed his Orthopaedic Surgery residency training in NUHS, and was appointed a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. As the national top performing candidate in the Specialist examinations, Dr Tan was awarded the College of Surgeons Gold Medal in Orthopaedic Surgery.

Dr Tan Jun Hao’s primary interest and specialty is in the management of degenerative spinal conditions and paediatric spinal deformity. He believes in individualized care for each patient, and employs a holistic approach to ensure the best care for his patients. 

Dr Tan Jun Hao is heavily involved in undergraduate and postgraduate education. He won multiple education awards, which include the NUHS Young Clinician Mentor Award in 2023, the junior doctor teaching award in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2021 and 2022, and the Singapore Medial Association Charity Fund Outstanding Mentor Award in 2022. He is currently a house mentor for undergraduate medical students from the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, and a core faculty in the NUHS post-graduate year 1 (PGY1) programme. 

Dr Tan Jun Hao has over 40 publications in peer-reviewed regional and international journals, mainly focusing on Spine Surgery, and has presented his research work widely in conferences around the world. He has also co-authored a book chapter regarding novel Spine Surgery techniques.


  1. Gold medal; FRCS (Ortho) Exit examinations 2024 
  2. Global Spine Journal Best Paper 2023 
  3. NUH Research Residency award 2023 (Silver award) 
  4. NUHS Young Clinician Mentor Award 2023
  5. Junior doctor teaching award: Awarded in: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2021, 2022
  6. Singapore Medial Association Charity Fund Outstanding Mentor Awards 2022
  7. 2nd prize for Best Paper Presentation (Singapore Spine Society Conference 2021)
  8. NSF Of The Year Award (2019) 
  9. Nominee for Hibbs Clinical Research Award (Scoliosis Research Society Annual Meeting 2019)
  10. First prize award for Best Paper Presentation (Singapore Spine Society 2nd Annual Meeting, 2019)
  11. Yeoh Khuan Joo Gold Medal: Academic Year 2014/2015
  12. Singapore Medical Council Bronze Medal: Academic Year 2014/2015
  13. SMA-Wong Hock Boon Award for Poster Presentation: YLLSOM 4th Annual Graduate Scientific Congress, 2014)
  14. Merit award, Poster presentation: 4th Student Medical Education Conference, 2014
  15. Silver Award for Poster Presentation: 3rd Student Medical Education Conference (SMEC, 2013)
  16. Best Medical Student Award for Oral Presentation: Society for Emergency Medicine in Singapore - Annual Scientific Conference, 2012)
  17. SMA-Wong Hock Boon Award for Poster Presentation (YLLSOM 2nd Annual Graduate Scientific Congress 2012)

Journals & Publications

  1. TH Tan, JH Tan, HHWD Hey. Changes in Spinopelvic Parameters Between Standing and Sitting Postures: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Clin Spine Surg. 2023 Jul
  2. G Liu, JH Tan, G Fung, S Hui, LL Lim, YH Chan, HK Wong. A Risk Quantification Reference Table for Progressed Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Surgery: An Exact Case Matched Outcomes Analysis. Global Spine J 2022. 
  3. G Liu, JH Tan, J Tan, JH Ng, J Chua, YH Chan, KD Riew. Does Cigarette Smoking Affect Cervical Laminoplasty Clinical and Radiological Outcomes? Clin Spine Surg 2022. 35(5):E473-E477.
  4. HWD Hey, JH Tan, B Ong, A Kumar, G Liu, HK Wong. Pelvic and sacral morphology and their correlation with pelvic incidence, lumbar lordosis, and lumbar alignment changes between standing and sitting postures. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 2021
  5. Tan JH, CK Cheong, HWD Hey. Titanium (Ti) cages may be superior to Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) cages in lumbar interbody fusion: A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical and radiological outcomes of spinal interbody fusions using Ti versus PEEK cages. Eur Spine J. 2021; 30(5):1285-1295
  6. G Liu, JH Tan, HWD Hey et al. A novel Hospital Capacity versus Clinical Justification triage Score (CCTS) for prioritization of spinal surgeries in the “new normal state" of the COVID-19 pandemic. European Spine Journal. 2021.
  7. Tan JH, Hey HWD, Wong G, Wong HK, Lau LL. Lumbar Adding-on of the Thoracic Spine After Selective Fusion in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Lenke Types 1 and 2 Patients: A Critical Appraisal. SPINE. 2021;46(3):E167-E173.
  8. Liu G, Fung G, Tan J, Ng JH, Tan JH. A feasibility study of a new muscle sparing “C3 dome-hybrid open-door laminoplasty”: A surgical technique, clinical outcome and learning curve description. SPINE 2020
  9. MY Hasan, Liu G, Wong HK, Tan JH. Post-operative complications of S2AI versus iliac screw in spinopelvic fixation: A meta-analysis and recent trends review. The Spine Journal. 2020; 
  10. Liu G, Tan JH, Ee G, Chan YH, Low SL, Wong HK. A Morphology and Prevalence Study of Lumbar Scoliosis in 7075 multi-racial Asian Adults. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2016

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