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Dr Audrey Wong Li Ann

Photo of Dr Audrey Wong Li Ann


  • Senior Consultant, Division of Advanced Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, National University Hospital


MA MB BChir (Cambridge) 2004, MRCP (UK) 2008, FRCP (Edin) 2016


Internal Medicine

Clinical Disciplines/Programmes:

Advanced Internal Medicine, Medicine

Special Interests:

Acute medicine, Acute medical unit, Patient flow, Ambulatory care, Enhanced Care/Level 1 Care

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Dr Audrey Wong is a senior consultant in advanced internal medicine at the National University Hospital and an Assistant Professor in the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. 
She graduated from the University of Cambridge, UK in 2004 and in 2008, by examination, became a member of the Royal College of Physicians of London, England of England. In the same year, she began higher medical training as part of the North Thames London Deanery acute and general internal medicine rotation and was subsequently awarded her Certificate of Completion of Training in acute and general internal medicine in 2012. She became a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh in 2017.
Prior to joining NUH, she was an acute medical consultant at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK, still the only professorial academic acute medical unit (AMU) in the United Kingdom. Whilst there, she was the clinical lead for enhanced care, a pre- high dependency area unique to Chelsea and Westminster AMU. She also previously held posts as both a Research Fellow at Griffith University, Australia and as a Clinical Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London, UK before her appointment as an Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore.
Whilst Dr Wong is committed to clinical excellence and patient care above all else, she is an active and passionate quality improvement and patient safety advocate. Currently the patient safety officer for her department, she has presented her patient safety improvement projects internationally and continues to study ways to improve patient care.
A dedicated clinical teacher, she was previously the program director for the acute care common stem medical trainees on the North Thames London Deanery rotation. She has continued her interest in postgraduate medical training and is core faculty in both the NUHS Advanced Internal Medicine Senior Residency and Internal Medicine Residency programmes.

1E Kent Ridge Road, NUHS Tower Block, Singapore 119228
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