Patient Care

Paediatric Cataracts

What are Paediatric Cataracts?

A cataract is the clouding of the lens in the eye. When a child has a cataract, the lens cannot focus the rays of light onto the retina normally. Instead, the lens produces blurry images, which reduce the child's vision. If the cataract is more serious, the child will need surgery to remove it.

Normal Eye Vs Cataract

What are the signs & symptoms of Paediatric Cataracts?

It may be difficult to spot signs of cataract among very young children. It is thus important to send your child to routine eye examinations. Consult your eye care specialist or ophthalmologist if you have any concerns about your child’s eyesight.

Signs and symptoms to look out for include:

  • Poor vision - the child may fail to recognise and follow objects or people with his or her eyes
  • Increased sensitivity in bright lights
  • Eyes with white reflex (white pupils) in photos
  • Eyes appear misaligned (squints)
What are the treatment options for Paediatric Cataracts?

As cataracts cannot be removed with medication or lasers, surgery may be necessary to allow the child's vision to develop as normally as possible.

After surgery, the child will need a corrective device such as a contact lens, intra-ocular lens, or, eye glasses. The child may also need to wear a patch to help both eyes develop equally strong vision.

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National University Health System
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  • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
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