Anyone can have a fall, but older people are more vulnerable and likely to fall, especially if they have a long-term health condition. Falls are a common, but often overlooked cause of injury. Most falls don't result in serious injury. However, there's always a risk that a fall could lead to broken bones, and it can cause the person to lose confidence, become withdrawn and feel as if they've lost their independence.
The natural ageing process means that older people have an increased risk of having a fall.
After a fall, injuries are common and tend to be more severe as people age. Falls can result in at least a slight injury, such as a bruise, sprained ligament, or strained muscle. More serious injuries include broken bones, torn ligaments, deep cuts, and damage to organs such as a kidney or the liver. Some falls result in loss of consciousness or a head injury.
Falls can cause even more problems if the person cannot get up right away or summon help. Such a situation may be frightening and may make the person feel helpless. Remaining on the floor, even for a few hours, can lead to problems such as dehydration, or muscle breakdown that can lead to kidney damage or failure.
Often before falling, people have no symptoms. When an environmental hazard or a hazardous situation results in a fall, there is little or no warning.
However, if a fall is partly or completely due to a person's physical condition, symptoms may be noticed before falling.
Symptoms may include:
Falls can cause broken bones, like wrist, arm, ankle, and hip fractures. These injuries can make it hard for a person to get around, do everyday activities, or live on their own.
Falls can cause head injuries. These can be very serious, especially if the person is taking certain medicines (e.g. blood thinners). An older person who falls and hits his/her head should see a doctor right away to make sure they don't have a brain injury.
Some falls can be serious and result in death.
The effects of a fall may last a long time. Many people who fall, even if they're not injured, become afraid of falling. This fear may cause a person to cut down on their everyday activities. When a person is less active, they become weaker and this increases their chances of falling.
It is vitally important for people to tell their doctor if they have fallen, even if the doctor has not asked, so that the doctor can uncover treatable reasons behind the fall. People who have fallen may be reluctant to tell their doctor because they think falling is just part of getting older, especially if they have not been injured. Even people who have been seriously injured during a fall and have been treated in an emergency department may be reluctant to admit they have fallen.
Some older people may be reluctant to seek help and advice from their GP and other support services about preventing falls, because they believe their concerns won't be taken seriously. However, all healthcare professionals take falls in older people very seriously because of the significant impact they can have on a person's health.
Older people are more likely to have a fall because they may have:
Falls can also be caused by physical conditions that impair mobility or balance, hazards in the environment, or potentially hazardous situations. A fall is also more likely to happen when:
Most falls occur when several causes interact. For example, people with Parkinson's disease and impaired vision (physical conditions) may trip on an extension cord (an environmental hazard) while rushing to answer the telephone (a potentially hazardous situation). The more risk factors a person has, the greater their chances of falling.
If you fall, it's important to keep calm.
If you're not hurt and you feel strong enough to get up, don't get up quickly. Roll onto your hands and knees and look for a stable piece of furniture, such as a chair or bed. Hold on to the furniture with both hands to support yourself and, when you feel ready, slowly get up. Sit down and rest for a while before carrying on with your daily activities.
If you're hurt or unable to get up, try to get someone's attention by calling out for help, banging on the wall or floor, or using your aid call button (if you have one). If possible, crawl to a telephone and dial 995 to request an ambulance. Try to reach something warm, such as a blanket or dressing gown, to put over you, particularly your legs and feet. Stay as comfortable as possible and try to change your position at least once every half an hour or so.
You should also have a good way to call for help. People who have fallen several times may keep a telephone in a place that can be reached from the floor. Another option is installing a personal emergency response system (a medical alert device) that signals someone to check in on you.
The first priority is treatment of injuries, such as head injuries, fractures, sprained ligaments, and strained muscles.
The next priority is to prevent subsequent falls by treating disorders that may have contributed to the fall. Physical and occupational therapists can help improve people's walking and balance as well as their self-confidence after a Fall. They can provide tips on how to avoid falling. Therapists can also encourage people to remain active. Physical therapy and supervised balance training and stretching can help reduce the risk of falling.
These are some simple things you can do to keep yourself from falling.
If you've fallen in the past, making changes to reduce your chances of falling can also help you overcome any fear of falling.
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