Being the most exposed part of the body, Hand Infections are extremely common. They are most commonly caused by bacteria. Infection due to other organisms is rare.
The following are the most common types of Hand Infections:
This is an infection around the nail fold. People involved include housewives, restaurant kitchen helpers, cleaning workers, drink sellers, nail biters, and post manicure treated individuals.
A felon is a subcutaneous abscess of the distal pulp of the fingertip. This is usually cause by trauma as a portal of entry. Open drainage is necessary and probed to ensure all involved septa spaces are exposed.
Infection of the tendon sheath is the most serious of all hand infections. It may lead to deeper infections affecting bone joints and eventually the blood.
Infections of the bone and joints of the hand are commonly the result of direct penetrating injuries, and spread from adjacent infections.
The bitten hand is a common clinical problem. Some bites are self-inflicted through nail biting, while others are traumatically introduced through deliberate bites, or through a fist coming in contact with the teeth. Dog and cat bites account for 90% of animal bite infections. However, the incidence of rabies is rare because of urban vaccination programs for domestic animals.
Common Hand Infections are treated in the following ways:
Early stages can be treated by appropriate antibiotics, more complex or severe cases may require surgery.
Treatment involves surgery and the adminstration of antibiotics for 4-6 weeks.
Treatment involves surgery and intravenous antibiotics.
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