We all have experienced anxiety and worries before, especially during times of increased danger and stress. Pregnancy, while being a happy event, can also be associated with an increase in uncertainty and lead to anxiety.
It is not uncommon to experience increased anxiety during a pregnancy due to the uncertainties that one may face. Feeling anxious is a normal response when one is facing any threat, danger or uncertainty.
Stress and anxiety in small doses are unavoidable during pregnancy, but if left uncontrolled, they can lead to poor outcomes for the mother and baby. The mother’s lifestyle can be adversely affected by constant and prolonged tension and worry, and the baby’s growth might also be affected by prolonged exposure to stress hormones.
Some Anxiety Disorders include:
There may be a very good reason for your anxiety, but if you are feeling anxious most of the time and for more than two weeks, it is recommended you seek medical advice.
These may include:
Consider seeking medical help if you experience severe symptoms, or if the symptoms have continued for more than two weeks. Examples of symptoms include not feeling like your usual self, and being unable to perform your usual roles at work or at home.
Firstly, seek a proper doctor's assessment. You may know why you are experiencing anxiety, but you should be assessed for any other possible factors which might increase your risk for having an anxiety disorder.
There are non-medication treatment methods available such as relaxation techniques, cognitive-behavioural therapy, and mindfulness-based therapy are some options.
Click here to access our Find A Doctor directory for a list of doctors treating this condition across our NUHS institutions.