Patient Care

Contact Lens Associated Problems

What are Contact Lens Associated Problems?

Contact lenses are thin plastic lenses that are placed on the film of tears on the front of your eye. It provides a safe and effective way to correct vision when used carefully with proper lens wear habits.

Contact lenses are used to correct similar conditions that spectacles can to correct myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness), astigmatism (distorted vision) and presbyopia (old-age vision). Contact lenses may also be used in eye diseases where an uneven cornea blurs vision, such as in patients with keratoconus.

There are various types of contact lenses:

Soft Contact Lenses

Majority of contact lens wearers in Singapore use soft lenses, which are made of plastic materials with high water content. As a result, these lenses are soft and flexible.

Different lenses with varying lens replacement schedules are available. Disposable soft contact lenses are discarded and replaced. They are convenient and reduce the chance of allergic reactions and accumulation of deposits on the lens surface.

Users should replace their contact lens according to manufacturers’ recommendations. Non-disposable (conventional) soft contact lens options also exist.

Toric Contact Lenses

Toric lenses correct astigmatism. They are available in both rigid and soft materials.

Rigid Gas Permeable Lenses

Newer rigid plastic lenses are combined with gas permeable materials to allow oxygen in the air to pass directly through the lens. These lenses allow more oxygen to reach the cornea compared with soft lenses.

Contact lenses can cause a variety of problems ranging from mild to sight-threatening complications. These include:

  • Dry Eyes
  • Allergic eye disease
  • Distortion of the cornea
  • Changes to corneal structure due to a lack of oxygen
  • Scratches (abrasions) on the cornea
  • Corneal infections

Stop wearing your contact lenses if you experience discomfort and see an eye specialist if you experience eye redness, a drop in vision or pain in the eyes.

How can you prevent Contact Lens Associated Problems?

Below are some 'Dos' and 'Don'ts' of Contact Lens wear:


  • Wash and dry your hands before handling contact lenses.
  • Clean and disinfect contact lenses properly after each use.
  • Clean and air-dry the contact lenses case every day.
  • Replace lens cases regularly.
  • Follow the lens care instructions of the manufacturer and your eye-care professional.

Do not

  • Reuse solutions. Discard used solutions immediately.
  • Use homemade saline.
  • Store contact lenses in non-sterile fluids such as distilled water or tap water.
  • Wear an over-aged or damaged contact lens.
  • Sleep with your contact lenses on.
  • Shower or swim with your contact lenses on.

Arrange for regular eye check-ups (at least once a year) with an eye-care professional.

Check with your eye-care professional or doctor before you apply any eye drops, as any eye drops, including non-prescription ones, can interact with all types of contact lenses.

Remove the contact lens immediately should your eye turn red or uncomfortable while wearing contact lenses. If this persists, consult your eye-care professional or doctor immediately.

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National University Health System
  • National University Hospital
  • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
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