About NUHS

Prof Quek Swee Chye


Chairman, Medical Board, NUH

Prof Quek Swee Chye graduated from the National University of Singapore (NUS), and proceeded on to specialist training in paediatrics. He was awarded a medal for being the top candidate in the Master of Medicine (Paediatrics) examination. Prof Quek then joined his alma mater as a full time faculty, contributing to teaching and research, in addition to full time clinical service. Prof Quek majors in the subspecialty of cardiology. He completed a fellowship at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, whilst on study leave from NUS.  He was also awarded the Ministry of Health's Senior Clinician HMDP to pursue advanced training at the Boston Children's at Harvard University, and Children's Hospital of New York-Presbyterian at Columbia University.

Prof Quek heads the Division of Paediatric Cardiology in the National University Hospital (NUH), and his interests are heart disease in children (both congenital and acquired) and Kawasaki disease. In research, Prof Quek successfully defended his thesis and was awarded a Doctorate in Medicine. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and participated in many international conferences, both to present papers and as invited faculty. In recognition of his many contributions to cardiology, he was awarded Fellowship of the American College of Cardiology. Prof Quek is the only Singaporean and Asian to be accorded the honour of being a Council Member of the Adult Congenital and Paediatric Cardiology Section of the American College of Cardiology. He is also a Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatricians and Child Health (United Kingdom), Academy of Medicine and College of Paediatricians and Child Health, Singapore.

Prof Quek is Chairman of Medical Board at NUH. For many years, he has been appointed visiting senior consultant to the Ministry of Health, Singapore, and the Health Promotion Board's School Health Service. For his many outstanding contributions to clinical service, he has been bestowed the National Medical Excellence Awards 2013 (Outstanding Clinical Quality Activist Award) by the Ministry of Health, Singapore and the inaugural NUHS-Mokhtar Riady Pinnacle Award 2013 (Excellence Award) by the National University Health System.

1E Kent Ridge Road, NUHS Tower Block, Singapore 119228
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National University Health System
  • National University Hospital
  • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
  • Alexandra Hospital
  • Jurong Community Hospital
  • National University Polyclinics
  • Jurong Medical Centre
  • National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
  • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore
  • NUHS Diagnostics
  • NUHS Pharmacy
  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
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